Recklessness and Negligence

Recklessness and Negligence

Premeditation: Knowing activation of a conflict
Recklessness: Disregard of activation of a conflict
Negligence: Failure to deactivate a conflict

A disregard is different to failure. Disregard implies an act of evasion, failure is an act of drift Both are choices, but one involves knowing the facts of reality and the other involves not knowing. There isn't knowledge in drift, but a failure to begin a thought process. This isn't total, but if you drift and cause a conflict, then you are negligent.

Thus, the reason why the punishment for negligence is "less" than recklessness is because there are mental processes in recklessness but those aimed at acting against the facts of reality. One is drifting insofar he is negligent, meaning there are no thought processes occuring regarding the activation of a Conflicts in a particular way.[1]

  1. from "thefrenchareharlequins," on discord ↩︎