

Omnipotence means unlimited ability---in precise terms it is the ability of an entity to act outside of its nature. This is a violation of the law of causality: every entity has one and only one action available to it, namely the action caused by its nature. Specifically, omnipotence is a subset of super-nature (see: Miracles are a Metaphysical Impossibility): an omnipotent entity is one that can do anything, a supernatural one is one that can do at least one thing outside of its nature.

"Supernatural," etymologically, means that which is above or beyond nature. "Nature," in turn, denotes existence viewed from a certain perspective. Nature is existence regarded as a system of interconnected entities governed by law; it is the universe of entities acting and interacting in accordance with their identities. What then is a "super-nature"? It would have to be a form of existence beyond existence; a thing beyond entities; a something beyond identity.[1]

  1. OPAR, p. 31 ↩︎