

Normativity refers to the set of principles and standards derived from the nature of reality in relation to the nature of man, guiding human actions and evaluations in the context of promoting one's values. These principles establish what is good or bad, right or wrong, etc. Normative relates to an evaluative standard, providing criteria for judging the value of actions, thoughts, and emotions(and their characteristics e.g. like some particular means and the various ends one can chose to attain with it) based on their alignment with these principles.

Normative abstractions in Objectivism are formed by evaluating Fact to prescribe a choice of values and a course of action. While cognitive abstractions deal with identifying facts (what is), normative abstractions deal with what ought to be, guiding human actions by rational, objective standards derived from reality. Logic is a normative field because it presupposes volition and guides thinking towards true conclusions. It provides the necessary norms and standards to acquire objective knowledge of reality.