

Man is the being with the capacity[1] to conceptualize, and specifically to conceptualize rights. A being who lacks this aspect simply isn't a concern to law and therefore has no rights—because they lack the capacity for human action, they cannot come into any conflicts with man.

  1. A child is a potential actor. Its nature is that given the current circumstances they will develop these faculties(this also applies to babies in the womb) therefore it has a real capacity for human action, conceptualization, and is thus considered—to have rights—to be a man(this is not an example of conflating the potential with the actual—the capacity is actual i.e. it is a real aspect of the child's identity.)[2] ↩︎

  2. This can be further reflected on with the analogy of me having a gun that once i shoot a non-actor with it, it causes their dna to have been altered so that they will now develop into a conceptual being per their nature and the given set of circumstances currently at hand—one that can conceptualize rights. They aren't a potential actor until i shoot them—their nature is still that of an animal i.e. its not within their nature to develop higher levels of awareness and subsequently concepts. The possibility of some theoretical cirumstance happening won't change the animal's nature so that they will start morphing into a man. An animal is A, a man is B. Y set of circumstances causes A to morph into B. Still A is A, B is B, and Y is Y—Y is not an aspect of A's identity or else A would be B and not A. ↩︎