Logical Fallacies

List of Fallacies

A fallacy is an error in reasoning that results in a proposition contradicting its own foundational concepts, violating the principles of non-contradictory identification and hierarchical concept formation, leading to contradictions and misintegrations in thought. Fallacies when present in an argument, in any of its premises, completely undermines the logic of said argument.

Objectivism emphasizes the correct hierarchical structuring of concepts. A fallacy often involves a misuse or misplacement of concepts within this hierarchy, leading to logical errors. An example is the "stolen concept fallacy," where a concept logically dependent on another antecedent one to it is used to deny that primary concept, invoking an epistemological contradiction​​​​.

(list is not exhaustive and will be filled out gradually)

  1. Fallacy of Package-Dealing
  2. Fallacy of Equivocation
  3. Fallacy of Reification of the Zero
  4. Fallacy of Rewriting Reality
  5. Fallacy of Self-Exclusion
  6. Fallacy of the Frozen Abstraction
  7. Fallacy of Begging the Question
  8. Fallacy of the False Alternative
  9. Fallacy of the Misuse of the Mean
  10. Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent
  11. Fallacy of Pure Self-Reference
  12. Fallacy of Accident
  13. Ad Ignoratiom Fallacy
  14. Ad Hominem Fallacy
  15. Ad Populum Fallacy
  16. The Appeal to Authority
  17. Shifting the Burden of Proof Fallacy
  18. Fallacy of the “Stolen Concept”
  19. Fallacy of the Primacy of Consciousness
  20. The Fallacy of the Primacy of Sensation