Welcome Page


This online Obsidian vault is meant to serve as a community-driven resource and wiki.


This vault is maintained by geeslime. It was initially a clone of LiquidZulu's Obsidian vault — similarly hosted online at liquidzulu.github.io/brain (this vault can be seen as a less highly curated but more community-driven and diversified addition to his overall project).


If you would like to contribute to this vault — or discuss about its contents with any of its contributors — you can do so by joining this Discord server: https://discord.gg/k5pJuUTpnQ and asking me (gee.).

This site also supports Disqus comments at the bottom of each page for readers to add their thoughts to a note.


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(Custom GPT) Objectivist Definition Finder - -
Welcome Page - -
Action (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
  • metaphysical action
Broad Physical Categories (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Causal Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
Characteristics vs. Properties (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Conditioning Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Constituent and Composite Entities (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Entity and Property (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Four Conditioning Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Matter and Form (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Material and Formal Entities (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Necessary Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Relationship (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
The Four Causes (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Austrian Economics
  • economics
  • Austrianism
  • Austrian economics
  • Austrian school
  • Austrian school of economics
The Decivilizing Effect of Taxation
  • economics
  • taxation as decivilizing
  • most destructive aspect of taxation
  • decivilizing
The Economic Calculation Problem
  • economics
  • ECP
  • socialist calculation problem
An Anthropogenic Theory of Value
  • economics
  • ethics
  • praxeology
  • epistemology
  • excerpt
  • austrian theory of value
  • subjective value
  • subject/object
  • anthropogenic
  • epistemology
  • arbitrariness
  • the arbitrary
Dismissing the Arbitrary
  • epistemology
  • dismiss the arbitrary
  • justifiable ignorance
Johnny Cochran at the O.J. Trial Claiming a Police Conspiracy
  • epistemology
  • Johnny Cochran
  • OJ trial
  • police conspiracy
Past Lives as an Example of The Arbitrary
  • epistemology
  • reincarnation
  • past lives
The Arbitrary as Neither True nor False
  • epistemology
The Validation of Negative Propositions
  • epistemology
  • validation of negatives
Why The Onus of Proof Principle Does Not Apply Equally to Negatives
  • epistemology
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • empirical evidence
  • basis
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • false
  • falsity
  • contradiction
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • deductive inference
  • inductive inference
  • moving in thought
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • conceptual identification
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • Refutation
  • disprove
  • dispute
  • contradict
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • Proving
  • Prove
  • Proved
Self-Evident vs. Obvious
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • self-evidence
  • obvious
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • sentence - locution
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • true
  • epistemology
  • ethics
  • definitions
  • norm
  • normative
  • ought
  • epistemology
  • Induction
  • definitions
  • inductive generalization
  • generalized proposition
  • generalize
The Plane Crash Example
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • plane crash hypothetical
  • possible
  • probable
Fallacy of Reification of the Zero
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • zero - reification fallacy
The Error in Regarding the Man-Made as Immutable
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Error in Regarding the Metaphysically Given as Mutable
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • rewriting reality
The Error of Conflating the Man-Made with the Metaphysically Given
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Impossibility of Unlimited Senses
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
All Knowledge is Either Perceptual or Conceptual
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • all knowledge is either perceptual or conceptual
Different Forms of Sense Perception does not Invalidate Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Different Forms of Sense Perception Lead to Different Capabilities in Deducing Laws
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Epistemology as Dependent Upon the Fallibility of a Conceptual Consciousness
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Focus as Antecedent to Any Choice
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • focus is the logical antecedent of any other choice
Floating Abstraction
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • floating abstraction
Hallucinations do not Negate the Validity of the Senses
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Illusions are not Perceptual Errors
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • illusions are not perceptual errors
  • illusions do not prove that the senses distort
Measurement Relationships
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • measurement omission
  • measurement inclusion
Onus of Proof Principle
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • burden of proof principle
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • Perception
  • perception
  • sense perception
  • the senses
Sensory Subjectivism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Epistemic Primacy of Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the perceptual stage is given
  • direct experience is the perceptual level
  • the fallacy of the primacy of sensation
The Identity of Consciousness as the Root of Epistemology
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Invalidity of the Senses Implies The Invalidity of Knowledge
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • if the senses are invalid then so is knowledge
The Kantian Attack on Cognition
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Levels of Consciousness
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • level of consciousness - level of awareness - levels of consciousness - levels of awareness
The Objectivist Theory of Concepts
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the Objectivist theory of concepts - concept formation - the theory of concept formation
The Primary Choice Being Focus or Drift
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the primary choice is whether to focus or drift - The primary choice is whether to focus or drift
The Role of the Senses
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Senses as Condensing Complex Information
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Senses as Distorted Implies Non-Consciousness
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • if the senses distort then man is not conscious of reality
The Senses Do Not Distort
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the senses don't distort
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • epistemology
  • epistemic
Logical Fallacies
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • fallacies
  • fallacy
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • percept
  • percepts
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • empiricism
  • empiricist
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • rationalism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • sensualism
Why Objectivism Rejects Agnosticism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • ideos
  • Agnosticism
  • agnostic
The Validation of Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • the senses are valid
Recklessness and Negligence
  • law
  • epistemology
  • Recklessness
  • Negligence
The Failure of Mixed Law
  • law
  • epistemology
  • excerpt
  • Mixed law
  • An Ethical Defense of Private Property
  • law
  • metaphysics
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • Men
  • Human
  • the nature of man
  • law
  • philosophy-of-science
  • Law
  • Legal theory
  • the nature of law
The Error of Conflating Ownership with Possesion
  • law
  • praxeology
  • conflating ownership and possesion
  • mere possesion
  • possesion
  • rape analogy
Rape Matrix
  • law
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • Rape
  • Consent
Austrian Economics versus Keynesian and Monetarist Macroeconomics
  • lecture
  • economics
  • libertarianism
  • praxeology
  • law
  • ideos
  • ancap
The Laws of Logic
  • logic
  • philosophy
  • definitions
Consciousness Has an Object and a Subject
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Consciousness as a relationship
Consciousness is a Biological Faculty
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Conscious organ
  • Biological faculty
Consciousness is an Active Process
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Consciousness as an activity
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • nothing - non-entity - absence
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • facts
  • factual
  • that which
  • facts of reality
  • fact of reality
A Consciousness Conscious Only of Itself
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • pure self-consciousness
  • a consciousness conscious only of itself
Four Fundamentals Characteristics of Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • Characteristics of consciousness
Forms of the Primacy of Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • form of the primacy of consciousness
Primacy of the Social Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the social consciousness
Primacy of the Personal Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the personal consciousness
  • Man is the measure of all things
Primacy of the Supernatural Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the supernatural consciousness
The Categories of Being
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • all action is action of entities
The Primacy of Existence as an Objectivist Innovation
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
A Baby-in-a-Womb as an Entity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • entity
  • entities
Existence is Identity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • existence is identity
Fire as a non-Entity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
God as Infinite
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
How Much Time Has There Been
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
Infinity as a Floating Abstraction
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • infinity
Metaphysically Given
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysically given
Miracles are a Metaphysical Impossibility
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • miracles are a metaphysical impossibility
  • miracle
  • miracles
The Characteristics of Entities
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • the characteristsics of entities
The Error of Mechanistic Causality
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • mechanistic causality
The Fundamental Axioms of Metaphysics
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • basic axioms
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle as a Refutation of Causality
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Metaphysically Given as Absolute
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • the necessary/contingent dichotomy
The Metaphysical Status of Sensory Qualities
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • The Mind-Object Qualia False-Dichotomy - the mind-object qualia false-dichotomy - qualia - quality
The Universe as Eternal
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Primacy of Consciousness as the Fundamental Error
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the primacy of consciousness is the fundamental error
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • nominalism
The Psychological Effects of Regarding the Metaphysically Given as Mutable
  • metaphysics
  • psychology
  • person
  • gee
  • person
  • liquidzulu
  • person
Ayn Rand
  • person
  • Alice O'Connor
  • Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum
  • Rand
  • person
  • person
Leonard Peikoff
  • person
  • Peikoff
  • person
  • Karl Marx
  • person
  • person
  • Platon
  • Aristocles
  • person
  • B. F. Skinner - Burrhus Frederic Skinner
Axioms as Irreducible Primaries
  • philosophy
  • axiom
  • irreducible primary
Bundled Philosophy
  • philosophy
Axioms as Undeniable
  • philosophy
Common Bromides
  • philosophy
  • bromide
  • bromides
The Grand Canyon Argument
  • philosophy
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • corollary
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • validation
  • validated
  • validate
  • invalidate
  • validity
  • valid
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • abstraction
Concepts of Consciousness as Involving Measurement-Omission
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
Conceptual Common Denominator
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • conceptual common denominator
Conceptual Order
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • Levels of Concepts
  • Orders of Concepts
  • order of concept
  • level of concept
  • higher-order concepts
  • higher-level concepts
  • higher-order concept
  • higher-level concept
  • smaller is not more fundamental
Epistemic Authoritarianism
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • epistemic authoritarianism
  • authoritarianism (epistemology)
  • appeal to authority
Epistemic Units as Objective
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • evasion
Innate Knowledge as a Violation of Causality
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the denial of reason is a denial of knowledge
Libertarian Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • indeterminism
  • indeterminist
Mental Focus
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • focus
  • drift
  • Focus is volitional
Mental Focus as Having Degrees
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • degree of focus
  • degrees of focus
  • Mental Focus as Non-Binary
Mystics of Spirit
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • spirit mysticism
  • mystics of spirit
Mysticism as Invalid
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
Naive Realism
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • Naïve Realism
  • naïve realism
  • naive realism
  • naïve realists
  • naive realists
  • naïve realist
  • naive realist
The Attack on the Senses by Being Effects
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Attack on the Senses by Eddington's Two Tables
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • two tables
  • Two Tables
  • Eddington's Two Tables
  • Eddington's Two Tables Paradox
  • two tables paradox
The Attack on the Senses from their Limitation
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • The Mirror Theory of Consciousness - The Attack on the Senses from Not Providing Primaries - Consciousness has Identity - Consciousness as Possessing Identity - The Attack on the Senses from their Identity
The Epistemic Sense of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Epistemic Role of Measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the epistemic role of measurement
  • the epistemic purpose of measurement
  • the epistemic role of measurement is that it relates quantities that are within immediate perceptual grasp to those that are not
  • crow epistemology
  • the crow
The Impossibility of Gaining Omniscence
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Interrelation of Evasion and Drift
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Locus of Human Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Objectivist Theory of Concept Formation as Valid
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • Plato's Problem of Concepts - Where do Concepts Come From?
The Pre-Requisites of Epistemology
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Role of Definition for a Conceptual Being
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Role of Language for a Conceptual Being
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the role of language in concept-retention
The Secondary Choice Being The Choice to Think or Evade
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Secondary Choice as Being Motivated
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Sensory-Perceptual Level as Automatic
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Stolen Concept Fallacy
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • stolen concept
The Validation of Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • The Epistemic Self-Defeat of Determinism - Volition as Axiomatic - Man has volition - epistemology depends upon volition
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • concept
  • concepts
Conscious Action
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mental action
Conscious Content
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mental content
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • consciousness
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • definition
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • differentiation
Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • free will
  • freedom
  • free
  • volition
  • volitional
  • choice
  • chosen
Innate Ideas
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • innate ideas
  • innate knowledge
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • integration
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mysticism
  • mystic
  • Mystic
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • all-knowing
  • omniscience
Unit (Epistemology)
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • unit
Naive Anarchism as a Package Deal
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • law
  • Naïve Anarchism
  • naïve anarchism
  • proto-anarchism
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • commensurability - commensurable - incommensurable
Concept-Formation as an Algebraic Process
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
The Differing Challenges of Explicating a Standard of Measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
The Requirements of a Standard of Measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • requirements of a unit - requirements of a standard of measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • definitions
  • measurement
  • measure
The Determinist-Indeterminist False-Dichotomy
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • compatibilism
  • Compatibilism
Companions in Guilt
  • philosophy
  • ethics
  • is/ought gap
  • Hume's Guillotine
The Conflation of Empiricism and Nominalism-Sensualism
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • ideos
  • "trust the science"
  • scientism
  • philosophy
  • ideos
  • definitions
  • Objectivist
Argumentative Soundness
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • sound
Argumentative Validity
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • valid
A Physical Explanation for Consciousness or Free Will does not Negate Their Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • a physical explanation for consciousness does not negate its existence
Arguments from Defining God into Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • Ontological Arguments for God
Does Omnipotence Include The Ability to make Contradictions True
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Examples of Entities
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Miracle-Worker
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Pure Self-Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as Omnipotent
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as the Creator
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as the Designer
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Materialism as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Objectivism does not Hold that Consciousness is an Entity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Rejections of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • rejection of the basic axioms
Spiritual vs Material
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Error of Conflating the Potential with the Actual
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Law of Causality
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • The Law of Cause and Effect - the law of causality - cause - every entity has only one action available to it at any given time - causality
The Metaphysical Sense of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Mind-Body Conflict
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Existence Exists
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • existence exists
  • existence axiom
  • existence
The Axiom of Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • man is conscious of reality
The Law of Identity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • the law of identity - A is A - identity - nature
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • definitions
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • definitions
  • omnipotence
  • omnipotent
  • supernatural
Consciousness as a non-Entity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Consciousness as Naturalistic
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Consciousness as Unscientific Because it Cannot be Defined
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Epistemology as Dependent Upon the Primacy of Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the pre-suppositions of epistemology
  • the requirements of epistemology
  • epistemology depends on the primacy of existence
Idealism as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Nominalism iff Sensualism
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Nominalism-Sensualism
  • nominalism-sensualism
  • nominalism iff sensualism
The Materialist-Idealist False Dichotomy
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the materialist-idealist false dichotomy
The Meaning of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • objective - objectivity - objectively
The Metaphysical Status of Concepts
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the metaphysical status of concepts - what concepts refer to
The Primacy of Existence vs The Primacy of Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the primacy of consciousness - the primacy of existence
The Timaeus on the Imperfection of Reality
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • history-of-philosophy
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • ideos
  • idealism
  • idealists
A Physical Description of Entities does not Negate The Metaphysical Status of Sensory Qualities
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • physics
A Physical Description of Entities does not Negate Their Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • physics
A Physical Description of Entities is the Realm of Physics, not Philosophy
  • philosophy
  • physics
  • philosophy-of-science
  • epistemology
  • systematic evasion
  • philosophy-of-science
  • philosophy
  • discipline
  • study
  • theory
  • knowledge seeking
  • field
  • scientific
  • systematic method
Addressing Fallibilism and Necessary Truths In General and In the Study of Man In Particular
  • praxeology
Addressing the Attacks on Abstraction In General and In the Study of Man In Particular
  • praxeology
The Empiricist Case for the Action Axiom
  • praxeology
The Objectivist Case for the Validation of Praxeology
  • praxeology
Human Action is Undeniable
  • praxeology
  • axiom
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • philosophy-of-science
  • science of human action
  • man acts
  • praxeology
  • economics
  • definitions
  • economics
Human Action
  • praxeology
  • economics
  • definitions
  • purposeful behavior
  • action
  • actor
How Essential Is Praxeology to Philosophy
  • praxeology
  • philosophy
Psychological Inertia
  • psychology
  • psychological inertia
Skyscrapers as the True Dimensions of Man
  • quote
File Tags Aliases
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • empirical evidence
  • basis
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • false
  • falsity
  • contradiction
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • deductive inference
  • inductive inference
  • moving in thought
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • conceptual identification
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • Refutation
  • disprove
  • dispute
  • contradict
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • Proving
  • Prove
  • Proved
Self-Evident vs. Obvious
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • self-evidence
  • obvious
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • sentence - locution
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • true
  • epistemology
  • ethics
  • definitions
  • norm
  • normative
  • ought
  • epistemology
  • Induction
  • definitions
  • inductive generalization
  • generalized proposition
  • generalize
Fallacy of the Misuse of the Mean
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • misuse-of-the-mean
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • epistemology
  • epistemic
Logical Fallacies
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • fallacies
  • fallacy
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • percept
  • percepts
  • law
  • metaphysics
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • Men
  • Human
  • the nature of man
Rape Matrix
  • law
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • Rape
  • Consent
The Laws of Logic
  • logic
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • facts
  • factual
  • that which
  • facts of reality
  • fact of reality
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • corollary
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • validation
  • validated
  • validate
  • invalidate
  • validity
  • valid
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • concept
  • concepts
Conscious Action
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mental action
Conscious Content
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mental content
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • consciousness
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • definition
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • differentiation
Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • free will
  • freedom
  • free
  • volition
  • volitional
  • choice
  • chosen
Innate Ideas
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • innate ideas
  • innate knowledge
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • integration
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mysticism
  • mystic
  • Mystic
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • all-knowing
  • omniscience
Unit (Epistemology)
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • unit
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • definitions
  • measurement
  • measure
  • philosophy
  • ideos
  • definitions
  • Objectivist
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • definitions
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • definitions
  • omnipotence
  • omnipotent
  • supernatural
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • philosophy-of-science
  • science of human action
  • man acts
  • praxeology
  • economics
  • definitions
  • economics
Human Action
  • praxeology
  • economics
  • definitions
  • purposeful behavior
  • action
  • actor
File Tags Aliases
Fallacy of Reification of the Zero
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • zero - reification fallacy
The Error in Regarding the Man-Made as Immutable
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Error in Regarding the Metaphysically Given as Mutable
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • rewriting reality
The Error of Conflating the Man-Made with the Metaphysically Given
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Impossibility of Unlimited Senses
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
All Knowledge is Either Perceptual or Conceptual
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • all knowledge is either perceptual or conceptual
Different Forms of Sense Perception does not Invalidate Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Different Forms of Sense Perception Lead to Different Capabilities in Deducing Laws
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Epistemology as Dependent Upon the Fallibility of a Conceptual Consciousness
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Focus as Antecedent to Any Choice
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • focus is the logical antecedent of any other choice
Floating Abstraction
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • floating abstraction
Hallucinations do not Negate the Validity of the Senses
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Illusions are not Perceptual Errors
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • illusions are not perceptual errors
  • illusions do not prove that the senses distort
Measurement Relationships
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • measurement omission
  • measurement inclusion
Onus of Proof Principle
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • burden of proof principle
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • Perception
  • perception
  • sense perception
  • the senses
Sensory Subjectivism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Epistemic Primacy of Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the perceptual stage is given
  • direct experience is the perceptual level
  • the fallacy of the primacy of sensation
The Identity of Consciousness as the Root of Epistemology
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Invalidity of the Senses Implies The Invalidity of Knowledge
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • if the senses are invalid then so is knowledge
The Kantian Attack on Cognition
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Levels of Consciousness
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • level of consciousness - level of awareness - levels of consciousness - levels of awareness
The Objectivist Theory of Concepts
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the Objectivist theory of concepts - concept formation - the theory of concept formation
The Primary Choice Being Focus or Drift
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the primary choice is whether to focus or drift - The primary choice is whether to focus or drift
The Role of the Senses
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Senses as Condensing Complex Information
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Senses as Distorted Implies Non-Consciousness
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • if the senses distort then man is not conscious of reality
The Senses Do Not Distort
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the senses don't distort
Fallacy of the Misuse of the Mean
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • misuse-of-the-mean
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • epistemology
  • epistemic
Logical Fallacies
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • fallacies
  • fallacy
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • percept
  • percepts
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • empiricism
  • empiricist
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • rationalism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • sensualism
Why Objectivism Rejects Agnosticism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • ideos
  • Agnosticism
  • agnostic
Fallacy of Package-Dealing
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • package-dealing
Fallacy of Equivocation
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • equivocation
The Validation of Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • the senses are valid
  • law
  • philosophy-of-science
  • Law
  • Legal theory
  • the nature of law
Ad Ignoratiom Fallacy
  • logic
  • philosophy
  • ad-ignoratiom
The Laws of Logic
  • logic
  • philosophy
  • definitions
Ad Populum Fallacy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • populum-fallacy
The Appeal to Authority
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
A Consciousness Conscious Only of Itself
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • pure self-consciousness
  • a consciousness conscious only of itself
Four Fundamentals Characteristics of Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • Characteristics of consciousness
Forms of the Primacy of Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • form of the primacy of consciousness
Primacy of the Social Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the social consciousness
Primacy of the Personal Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the personal consciousness
  • Man is the measure of all things
Primacy of the Supernatural Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the supernatural consciousness
The Categories of Being
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • all action is action of entities
The Primacy of Existence as an Objectivist Innovation
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Fallacy of Self-Exclusion
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • self-exclusivity
A Baby-in-a-Womb as an Entity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • entity
  • entities
Existence is Identity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • existence is identity
Fire as a non-Entity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
God as Infinite
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
How Much Time Has There Been
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
Infinity as a Floating Abstraction
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • infinity
Metaphysically Given
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysically given
Miracles are a Metaphysical Impossibility
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • miracles are a metaphysical impossibility
  • miracle
  • miracles
The Characteristics of Entities
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • the characteristsics of entities
The Error of Mechanistic Causality
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • mechanistic causality
The Fundamental Axioms of Metaphysics
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • basic axioms
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle as a Refutation of Causality
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Metaphysically Given as Absolute
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • the necessary/contingent dichotomy
The Metaphysical Status of Sensory Qualities
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • The Mind-Object Qualia False-Dichotomy - the mind-object qualia false-dichotomy - qualia - quality
The Universe as Eternal
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Primacy of Consciousness as the Fundamental Error
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the primacy of consciousness is the fundamental error
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • nominalism
Ad Hominem Fallacy
  • philosophy
  • ad-hominem
Axioms as Irreducible Primaries
  • philosophy
  • axiom
  • irreducible primary
Bundled Philosophy
  • philosophy
Axioms as Undeniable
  • philosophy
Common Bromides
  • philosophy
  • bromide
  • bromides
The Grand Canyon Argument
  • philosophy
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • corollary
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • validation
  • validated
  • validate
  • invalidate
  • validity
  • valid
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • abstraction
Concepts of Consciousness as Involving Measurement-Omission
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
Conceptual Common Denominator
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • conceptual common denominator
Conceptual Order
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • Levels of Concepts
  • Orders of Concepts
  • order of concept
  • level of concept
  • higher-order concepts
  • higher-level concepts
  • higher-order concept
  • higher-level concept
  • smaller is not more fundamental
Epistemic Authoritarianism
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • epistemic authoritarianism
  • authoritarianism (epistemology)
  • appeal to authority
Epistemic Units as Objective
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • evasion
Innate Knowledge as a Violation of Causality
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the denial of reason is a denial of knowledge
Libertarian Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • indeterminism
  • indeterminist
Mental Focus
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • focus
  • drift
  • Focus is volitional
Mental Focus as Having Degrees
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • degree of focus
  • degrees of focus
  • Mental Focus as Non-Binary
Mystics of Spirit
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • spirit mysticism
  • mystics of spirit
Mysticism as Invalid
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
Naive Realism
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • Naïve Realism
  • naïve realism
  • naive realism
  • naïve realists
  • naive realists
  • naïve realist
  • naive realist
The Attack on the Senses by Being Effects
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Attack on the Senses by Eddington's Two Tables
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • two tables
  • Two Tables
  • Eddington's Two Tables
  • Eddington's Two Tables Paradox
  • two tables paradox
The Attack on the Senses from their Limitation
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • The Mirror Theory of Consciousness - The Attack on the Senses from Not Providing Primaries - Consciousness has Identity - Consciousness as Possessing Identity - The Attack on the Senses from their Identity
The Epistemic Sense of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Epistemic Role of Measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the epistemic role of measurement
  • the epistemic purpose of measurement
  • the epistemic role of measurement is that it relates quantities that are within immediate perceptual grasp to those that are not
  • crow epistemology
  • the crow
The Impossibility of Gaining Omniscence
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Interrelation of Evasion and Drift
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Locus of Human Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Objectivist Theory of Concept Formation as Valid
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • Plato's Problem of Concepts - Where do Concepts Come From?
The Pre-Requisites of Epistemology
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Role of Definition for a Conceptual Being
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Role of Language for a Conceptual Being
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the role of language in concept-retention
The Secondary Choice Being The Choice to Think or Evade
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Secondary Choice as Being Motivated
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Sensory-Perceptual Level as Automatic
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Stolen Concept Fallacy
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • stolen concept
The Validation of Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • The Epistemic Self-Defeat of Determinism - Volition as Axiomatic - Man has volition - epistemology depends upon volition
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • concept
  • concepts
Conscious Action
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mental action
Conscious Content
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mental content
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • consciousness
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • definition
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • differentiation
Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • free will
  • freedom
  • free
  • volition
  • volitional
  • choice
  • chosen
Innate Ideas
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • innate ideas
  • innate knowledge
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • integration
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mysticism
  • mystic
  • Mystic
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • all-knowing
  • omniscience
Unit (Epistemology)
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • unit
Naive Anarchism as a Package Deal
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • law
  • Naïve Anarchism
  • naïve anarchism
  • proto-anarchism
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • commensurability - commensurable - incommensurable
Concept-Formation as an Algebraic Process
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
The Differing Challenges of Explicating a Standard of Measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
The Requirements of a Standard of Measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • requirements of a unit - requirements of a standard of measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • definitions
  • measurement
  • measure
The Determinist-Indeterminist False-Dichotomy
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • compatibilism
  • Compatibilism
Companions in Guilt
  • philosophy
  • ethics
  • is/ought gap
  • Hume's Guillotine
The Conflation of Empiricism and Nominalism-Sensualism
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • ideos
  • "trust the science"
  • scientism
  • philosophy
  • ideos
  • definitions
  • Objectivist
Fallacy of Begging the Question
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • begging-the-question
  • circular-reasoning
Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • affirming-consequent
Fallacy of the False Alternative
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • false-alternative
  • false-dilemma
Argumentative Soundness
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • sound
Argumentative Validity
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • valid
Fallacy of the Frozen Abstraction
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • epistemology
  • frozen-abstraction
A Physical Explanation for Consciousness or Free Will does not Negate Their Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • a physical explanation for consciousness does not negate its existence
Arguments from Defining God into Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • Ontological Arguments for God
Does Omnipotence Include The Ability to make Contradictions True
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Examples of Entities
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Miracle-Worker
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Pure Self-Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as Omnipotent
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as the Creator
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as the Designer
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Materialism as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Objectivism does not Hold that Consciousness is an Entity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Rejections of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • rejection of the basic axioms
Spiritual vs Material
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Error of Conflating the Potential with the Actual
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Law of Causality
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • The Law of Cause and Effect - the law of causality - cause - every entity has only one action available to it at any given time - causality
The Metaphysical Sense of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Mind-Body Conflict
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Existence Exists
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • existence exists
  • existence axiom
  • existence
The Axiom of Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • man is conscious of reality
The Law of Identity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • the law of identity - A is A - identity - nature
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • definitions
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • definitions
  • omnipotence
  • omnipotent
  • supernatural
Consciousness as a non-Entity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Consciousness as Naturalistic
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Consciousness as Unscientific Because it Cannot be Defined
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Epistemology as Dependent Upon the Primacy of Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the pre-suppositions of epistemology
  • the requirements of epistemology
  • epistemology depends on the primacy of existence
Idealism as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Nominalism iff Sensualism
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Nominalism-Sensualism
  • nominalism-sensualism
  • nominalism iff sensualism
The Materialist-Idealist False Dichotomy
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the materialist-idealist false dichotomy
The Meaning of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • objective - objectivity - objectively
The Metaphysical Status of Concepts
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the metaphysical status of concepts - what concepts refer to
The Primacy of Existence vs The Primacy of Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the primacy of consciousness - the primacy of existence
The Timaeus on the Imperfection of Reality
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • history-of-philosophy
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • ideos
  • idealism
  • idealists
A Physical Description of Entities does not Negate The Metaphysical Status of Sensory Qualities
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • physics
A Physical Description of Entities does not Negate Their Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • physics
A Physical Description of Entities is the Realm of Physics, not Philosophy
  • philosophy
  • physics
  • philosophy-of-science
  • epistemology
  • systematic evasion
  • philosophy-of-science
  • philosophy
  • discipline
  • study
  • theory
  • knowledge seeking
  • field
  • scientific
  • systematic method
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • philosophy-of-science
  • science of human action
  • man acts
How Essential Is Praxeology to Philosophy
  • praxeology
  • philosophy
File Tags Aliases
Action (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
  • metaphysical action
Broad Physical Categories (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Causal Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
Characteristics vs. Properties (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Conditioning Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Constituent and Composite Entities (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Entity and Property (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Four Conditioning Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Matter and Form (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Material and Formal Entities (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Necessary Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Relationship (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
The Four Causes (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
The Plane Crash Example
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • plane crash hypothetical
  • possible
  • probable
Fallacy of Reification of the Zero
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • zero - reification fallacy
The Error in Regarding the Man-Made as Immutable
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Error in Regarding the Metaphysically Given as Mutable
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • rewriting reality
The Error of Conflating the Man-Made with the Metaphysically Given
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Impossibility of Unlimited Senses
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
Fallacy of Package-Dealing
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • package-dealing
Fallacy of Equivocation
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • equivocation
The Validation of Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • the senses are valid
  • law
  • metaphysics
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • Men
  • Human
  • the nature of man
Consciousness Has an Object and a Subject
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Consciousness as a relationship
Consciousness is a Biological Faculty
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Conscious organ
  • Biological faculty
Consciousness is an Active Process
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Consciousness as an activity
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • nothing - non-entity - absence
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • facts
  • factual
  • that which
  • facts of reality
  • fact of reality
Ad Populum Fallacy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • populum-fallacy
The Appeal to Authority
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
A Consciousness Conscious Only of Itself
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • pure self-consciousness
  • a consciousness conscious only of itself
Four Fundamentals Characteristics of Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • Characteristics of consciousness
Forms of the Primacy of Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • form of the primacy of consciousness
Primacy of the Social Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the social consciousness
Primacy of the Personal Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the personal consciousness
  • Man is the measure of all things
Primacy of the Supernatural Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the supernatural consciousness
The Categories of Being
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • all action is action of entities
The Primacy of Existence as an Objectivist Innovation
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Fallacy of Self-Exclusion
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • self-exclusivity
A Baby-in-a-Womb as an Entity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • entity
  • entities
Existence is Identity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • existence is identity
Fire as a non-Entity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
God as Infinite
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
How Much Time Has There Been
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
Infinity as a Floating Abstraction
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • infinity
Metaphysically Given
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysically given
Miracles are a Metaphysical Impossibility
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • miracles are a metaphysical impossibility
  • miracle
  • miracles
The Characteristics of Entities
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • the characteristsics of entities
The Error of Mechanistic Causality
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • mechanistic causality
The Fundamental Axioms of Metaphysics
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • basic axioms
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle as a Refutation of Causality
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Metaphysically Given as Absolute
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • the necessary/contingent dichotomy
The Metaphysical Status of Sensory Qualities
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • The Mind-Object Qualia False-Dichotomy - the mind-object qualia false-dichotomy - qualia - quality
The Universe as Eternal
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Primacy of Consciousness as the Fundamental Error
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the primacy of consciousness is the fundamental error
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • nominalism
The Psychological Effects of Regarding the Metaphysically Given as Mutable
  • metaphysics
  • psychology
The Determinist-Indeterminist False-Dichotomy
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • compatibilism
  • Compatibilism
The Conflation of Empiricism and Nominalism-Sensualism
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
A Physical Explanation for Consciousness or Free Will does not Negate Their Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • a physical explanation for consciousness does not negate its existence
Arguments from Defining God into Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • Ontological Arguments for God
Does Omnipotence Include The Ability to make Contradictions True
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Examples of Entities
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Miracle-Worker
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Pure Self-Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as Omnipotent
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as the Creator
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as the Designer
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Materialism as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Objectivism does not Hold that Consciousness is an Entity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Rejections of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • rejection of the basic axioms
Spiritual vs Material
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Error of Conflating the Potential with the Actual
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Law of Causality
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • The Law of Cause and Effect - the law of causality - cause - every entity has only one action available to it at any given time - causality
The Metaphysical Sense of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Mind-Body Conflict
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Existence Exists
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • existence exists
  • existence axiom
  • existence
The Axiom of Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • man is conscious of reality
The Law of Identity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • the law of identity - A is A - identity - nature
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • definitions
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • definitions
  • omnipotence
  • omnipotent
  • supernatural
Consciousness as a non-Entity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Consciousness as Naturalistic
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Consciousness as Unscientific Because it Cannot be Defined
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Epistemology as Dependent Upon the Primacy of Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the pre-suppositions of epistemology
  • the requirements of epistemology
  • epistemology depends on the primacy of existence
Idealism as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Nominalism iff Sensualism
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Nominalism-Sensualism
  • nominalism-sensualism
  • nominalism iff sensualism
The Materialist-Idealist False Dichotomy
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the materialist-idealist false dichotomy
The Meaning of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • objective - objectivity - objectively
The Metaphysical Status of Concepts
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the metaphysical status of concepts - what concepts refer to
The Primacy of Existence vs The Primacy of Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the primacy of consciousness - the primacy of existence
The Timaeus on the Imperfection of Reality
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • history-of-philosophy
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • ideos
  • idealism
  • idealists
A Physical Description of Entities does not Negate The Metaphysical Status of Sensory Qualities
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • physics
A Physical Description of Entities does not Negate Their Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • physics
File Tags Aliases
An Anthropogenic Theory of Value
  • economics
  • ethics
  • praxeology
  • epistemology
  • excerpt
  • austrian theory of value
  • subjective value
  • subject/object
  • anthropogenic
  • epistemology
  • arbitrariness
  • the arbitrary
Dismissing the Arbitrary
  • epistemology
  • dismiss the arbitrary
  • justifiable ignorance
Johnny Cochran at the O.J. Trial Claiming a Police Conspiracy
  • epistemology
  • Johnny Cochran
  • OJ trial
  • police conspiracy
Past Lives as an Example of The Arbitrary
  • epistemology
  • reincarnation
  • past lives
The Arbitrary as Neither True nor False
  • epistemology
The Validation of Negative Propositions
  • epistemology
  • validation of negatives
Why The Onus of Proof Principle Does Not Apply Equally to Negatives
  • epistemology
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • empirical evidence
  • basis
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • false
  • falsity
  • contradiction
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • deductive inference
  • inductive inference
  • moving in thought
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • conceptual identification
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • Refutation
  • disprove
  • dispute
  • contradict
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • Proving
  • Prove
  • Proved
Self-Evident vs. Obvious
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • self-evidence
  • obvious
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • sentence - locution
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • true
  • epistemology
  • ethics
  • definitions
  • norm
  • normative
  • ought
  • epistemology
  • Induction
  • definitions
  • inductive generalization
  • generalized proposition
  • generalize
The Plane Crash Example
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • plane crash hypothetical
  • possible
  • probable
Fallacy of Reification of the Zero
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • zero - reification fallacy
The Error in Regarding the Man-Made as Immutable
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Error in Regarding the Metaphysically Given as Mutable
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • rewriting reality
The Error of Conflating the Man-Made with the Metaphysically Given
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Impossibility of Unlimited Senses
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
All Knowledge is Either Perceptual or Conceptual
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • all knowledge is either perceptual or conceptual
Different Forms of Sense Perception does not Invalidate Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Different Forms of Sense Perception Lead to Different Capabilities in Deducing Laws
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Epistemology as Dependent Upon the Fallibility of a Conceptual Consciousness
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Focus as Antecedent to Any Choice
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • focus is the logical antecedent of any other choice
Floating Abstraction
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • floating abstraction
Hallucinations do not Negate the Validity of the Senses
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Illusions are not Perceptual Errors
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • illusions are not perceptual errors
  • illusions do not prove that the senses distort
Measurement Relationships
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • measurement omission
  • measurement inclusion
Onus of Proof Principle
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • burden of proof principle
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • Perception
  • perception
  • sense perception
  • the senses
Sensory Subjectivism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Epistemic Primacy of Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the perceptual stage is given
  • direct experience is the perceptual level
  • the fallacy of the primacy of sensation
The Identity of Consciousness as the Root of Epistemology
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Invalidity of the Senses Implies The Invalidity of Knowledge
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • if the senses are invalid then so is knowledge
The Kantian Attack on Cognition
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Levels of Consciousness
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • level of consciousness - level of awareness - levels of consciousness - levels of awareness
The Objectivist Theory of Concepts
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the Objectivist theory of concepts - concept formation - the theory of concept formation
The Primary Choice Being Focus or Drift
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the primary choice is whether to focus or drift - The primary choice is whether to focus or drift
The Role of the Senses
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Senses as Condensing Complex Information
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Senses as Distorted Implies Non-Consciousness
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • if the senses distort then man is not conscious of reality
The Senses Do Not Distort
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • the senses don't distort
Fallacy of the Misuse of the Mean
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • misuse-of-the-mean
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • epistemology
  • epistemic
Logical Fallacies
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • fallacies
  • fallacy
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • definitions
  • percept
  • percepts
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • empiricism
  • empiricist
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • rationalism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • sensualism
Why Objectivism Rejects Agnosticism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • ideos
  • Agnosticism
  • agnostic
Fallacy of Package-Dealing
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • package-dealing
Fallacy of Equivocation
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • equivocation
The Validation of Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • the senses are valid
Recklessness and Negligence
  • law
  • epistemology
  • Recklessness
  • Negligence
The Failure of Mixed Law
  • law
  • epistemology
  • excerpt
  • Mixed law
  • An Ethical Defense of Private Property
Consciousness Has an Object and a Subject
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Consciousness as a relationship
Consciousness is a Biological Faculty
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Conscious organ
  • Biological faculty
Consciousness is an Active Process
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Consciousness as an activity
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • nothing - non-entity - absence
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • facts
  • factual
  • that which
  • facts of reality
  • fact of reality
Ad Populum Fallacy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • populum-fallacy
The Appeal to Authority
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
A Consciousness Conscious Only of Itself
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • pure self-consciousness
  • a consciousness conscious only of itself
Four Fundamentals Characteristics of Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • Characteristics of consciousness
Forms of the Primacy of Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • form of the primacy of consciousness
Primacy of the Social Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the social consciousness
Primacy of the Personal Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the personal consciousness
  • Man is the measure of all things
Primacy of the Supernatural Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the supernatural consciousness
The Categories of Being
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • all action is action of entities
The Primacy of Existence as an Objectivist Innovation
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
The Primacy of Consciousness as the Fundamental Error
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the primacy of consciousness is the fundamental error
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • abstraction
Concepts of Consciousness as Involving Measurement-Omission
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
Conceptual Common Denominator
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • conceptual common denominator
Conceptual Order
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • Levels of Concepts
  • Orders of Concepts
  • order of concept
  • level of concept
  • higher-order concepts
  • higher-level concepts
  • higher-order concept
  • higher-level concept
  • smaller is not more fundamental
Epistemic Authoritarianism
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • epistemic authoritarianism
  • authoritarianism (epistemology)
  • appeal to authority
Epistemic Units as Objective
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • evasion
Innate Knowledge as a Violation of Causality
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the denial of reason is a denial of knowledge
Libertarian Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • indeterminism
  • indeterminist
Mental Focus
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • focus
  • drift
  • Focus is volitional
Mental Focus as Having Degrees
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • degree of focus
  • degrees of focus
  • Mental Focus as Non-Binary
Mystics of Spirit
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • spirit mysticism
  • mystics of spirit
Mysticism as Invalid
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
Naive Realism
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • Naïve Realism
  • naïve realism
  • naive realism
  • naïve realists
  • naive realists
  • naïve realist
  • naive realist
The Attack on the Senses by Being Effects
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Attack on the Senses by Eddington's Two Tables
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • two tables
  • Two Tables
  • Eddington's Two Tables
  • Eddington's Two Tables Paradox
  • two tables paradox
The Attack on the Senses from their Limitation
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • The Mirror Theory of Consciousness - The Attack on the Senses from Not Providing Primaries - Consciousness has Identity - Consciousness as Possessing Identity - The Attack on the Senses from their Identity
The Epistemic Sense of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Epistemic Role of Measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the epistemic role of measurement
  • the epistemic purpose of measurement
  • the epistemic role of measurement is that it relates quantities that are within immediate perceptual grasp to those that are not
  • crow epistemology
  • the crow
The Impossibility of Gaining Omniscence
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Interrelation of Evasion and Drift
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Locus of Human Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Objectivist Theory of Concept Formation as Valid
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • Plato's Problem of Concepts - Where do Concepts Come From?
The Pre-Requisites of Epistemology
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Role of Definition for a Conceptual Being
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Role of Language for a Conceptual Being
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the role of language in concept-retention
The Secondary Choice Being The Choice to Think or Evade
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Secondary Choice as Being Motivated
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Sensory-Perceptual Level as Automatic
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
The Stolen Concept Fallacy
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • stolen concept
The Validation of Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • The Epistemic Self-Defeat of Determinism - Volition as Axiomatic - Man has volition - epistemology depends upon volition
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • concept
  • concepts
Conscious Action
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mental action
Conscious Content
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mental content
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • consciousness
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • definition
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • differentiation
Free Will
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • free will
  • freedom
  • free
  • volition
  • volitional
  • choice
  • chosen
Innate Ideas
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • innate ideas
  • innate knowledge
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • integration
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • mysticism
  • mystic
  • Mystic
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • all-knowing
  • omniscience
Unit (Epistemology)
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • unit
Naive Anarchism as a Package Deal
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • law
  • Naïve Anarchism
  • naïve anarchism
  • proto-anarchism
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • commensurability - commensurable - incommensurable
Concept-Formation as an Algebraic Process
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
The Differing Challenges of Explicating a Standard of Measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
The Requirements of a Standard of Measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • requirements of a unit - requirements of a standard of measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • definitions
  • measurement
  • measure
The Determinist-Indeterminist False-Dichotomy
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • compatibilism
  • Compatibilism
The Conflation of Empiricism and Nominalism-Sensualism
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Fallacy of the Frozen Abstraction
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • epistemology
  • frozen-abstraction
Consciousness as a non-Entity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Consciousness as Naturalistic
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Consciousness as Unscientific Because it Cannot be Defined
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Epistemology as Dependent Upon the Primacy of Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the pre-suppositions of epistemology
  • the requirements of epistemology
  • epistemology depends on the primacy of existence
Idealism as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Nominalism iff Sensualism
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Nominalism-Sensualism
  • nominalism-sensualism
  • nominalism iff sensualism
The Materialist-Idealist False Dichotomy
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the materialist-idealist false dichotomy
The Meaning of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • objective - objectivity - objectively
The Metaphysical Status of Concepts
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the metaphysical status of concepts - what concepts refer to
The Primacy of Existence vs The Primacy of Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the primacy of consciousness - the primacy of existence
  • philosophy-of-science
  • epistemology
  • systematic evasion
File Tags Aliases
An Anthropogenic Theory of Value
  • economics
  • ethics
  • praxeology
  • epistemology
  • excerpt
  • austrian theory of value
  • subjective value
  • subject/object
  • anthropogenic
  • epistemology
  • ethics
  • definitions
  • norm
  • normative
  • ought
Companions in Guilt
  • philosophy
  • ethics
  • is/ought gap
  • Hume's Guillotine
File Tags Aliases
Recklessness and Negligence
  • law
  • epistemology
  • Recklessness
  • Negligence
The Failure of Mixed Law
  • law
  • epistemology
  • excerpt
  • Mixed law
  • An Ethical Defense of Private Property
  • law
  • metaphysics
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • Men
  • Human
  • the nature of man
  • law
  • philosophy-of-science
  • Law
  • Legal theory
  • the nature of law
The Error of Conflating Ownership with Possesion
  • law
  • praxeology
  • conflating ownership and possesion
  • mere possesion
  • possesion
  • rape analogy
Rape Matrix
  • law
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • Rape
  • Consent
  • libertarianism
  • praxeology
  • law
  • ideos
  • ancap
Naive Anarchism as a Package Deal
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • law
  • Naïve Anarchism
  • naïve anarchism
  • proto-anarchism
File Tags Aliases
File Tags Aliases
An Anthropogenic Theory of Value
  • economics
  • ethics
  • praxeology
  • epistemology
  • excerpt
  • austrian theory of value
  • subjective value
  • subject/object
  • anthropogenic
  • law
  • metaphysics
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • Men
  • Human
  • the nature of man
The Error of Conflating Ownership with Possesion
  • law
  • praxeology
  • conflating ownership and possesion
  • mere possesion
  • possesion
  • rape analogy
Rape Matrix
  • law
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • Rape
  • Consent
  • libertarianism
  • praxeology
  • law
  • ideos
  • ancap
Addressing Fallibilism and Necessary Truths In General and In the Study of Man In Particular
  • praxeology
Addressing the Attacks on Abstraction In General and In the Study of Man In Particular
  • praxeology
The Empiricist Case for the Action Axiom
  • praxeology
The Objectivist Case for the Validation of Praxeology
  • praxeology
Human Action is Undeniable
  • praxeology
  • axiom
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • philosophy-of-science
  • science of human action
  • man acts
  • praxeology
  • economics
  • definitions
  • economics
Human Action
  • praxeology
  • economics
  • definitions
  • purposeful behavior
  • action
  • actor
How Essential Is Praxeology to Philosophy
  • praxeology
  • philosophy
File Tags Aliases
Austrian Economics
  • economics
  • Austrianism
  • Austrian economics
  • Austrian school
  • Austrian school of economics
The Decivilizing Effect of Taxation
  • economics
  • taxation as decivilizing
  • most destructive aspect of taxation
  • decivilizing
The Economic Calculation Problem
  • economics
  • ECP
  • socialist calculation problem
An Anthropogenic Theory of Value
  • economics
  • ethics
  • praxeology
  • epistemology
  • excerpt
  • austrian theory of value
  • subjective value
  • subject/object
  • anthropogenic
Austrian Alternatives to Conventional Economic Statistics
  • lecture
  • economics
Austrian Economics versus Keynesian and Monetarist Macroeconomics
  • lecture
  • economics
  • praxeology
  • economics
  • definitions
  • economics
Human Action
  • praxeology
  • economics
  • definitions
  • purposeful behavior
  • action
  • actor
File Tags Aliases
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • empiricism
  • empiricist
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • rationalism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • sensualism
Why Objectivism Rejects Agnosticism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • ideos
  • Agnosticism
  • agnostic
  • libertarianism
  • praxeology
  • law
  • ideos
  • ancap
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • nominalism
  • philosophy
  • ideos
  • "trust the science"
  • scientism
  • philosophy
  • ideos
  • definitions
  • Objectivist
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • ideos
  • idealism
  • idealists
File Tags Aliases
  • libertarianism
  • praxeology
  • law
  • ideos
  • ancap
File Tags Aliases
  • law
  • philosophy-of-science
  • Law
  • Legal theory
  • the nature of law
  • philosophy-of-science
  • epistemology
  • systematic evasion
  • philosophy-of-science
  • philosophy
  • discipline
  • study
  • theory
  • knowledge seeking
  • field
  • scientific
  • systematic method
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • philosophy-of-science
  • science of human action
  • man acts
File Tags Aliases
Action (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
  • metaphysical action
Broad Physical Categories (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Causal Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
Characteristics vs. Properties (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Conditioning Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Constituent and Composite Entities (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Entity and Property (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Four Conditioning Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Matter and Form (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Material and Formal Entities (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Necessary Connections (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
Relationship (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
The Four Causes (BPC)
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
  • bpc
  • broad-physical-categories
  • metaphysics
  • physics
The Plane Crash Example
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • plane crash hypothetical
  • possible
  • probable
Fallacy of Reification of the Zero
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • zero - reification fallacy
The Error in Regarding the Man-Made as Immutable
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Error in Regarding the Metaphysically Given as Mutable
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • rewriting reality
The Error of Conflating the Man-Made with the Metaphysically Given
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Impossibility of Unlimited Senses
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
Fallacy of Package-Dealing
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • package-dealing
Fallacy of Equivocation
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • equivocation
The Validation of Sense Perception
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • the senses are valid
  • law
  • metaphysics
  • praxeology
  • definitions
  • Men
  • Human
  • the nature of man
Consciousness Has an Object and a Subject
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Consciousness as a relationship
Consciousness is a Biological Faculty
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Conscious organ
  • Biological faculty
Consciousness is an Active Process
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Consciousness as an activity
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • nothing - non-entity - absence
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • definitions
  • facts
  • factual
  • that which
  • facts of reality
  • fact of reality
Ad Populum Fallacy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • populum-fallacy
The Appeal to Authority
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
A Consciousness Conscious Only of Itself
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • pure self-consciousness
  • a consciousness conscious only of itself
Four Fundamentals Characteristics of Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • Characteristics of consciousness
Forms of the Primacy of Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • form of the primacy of consciousness
Primacy of the Social Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the social consciousness
Primacy of the Personal Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the personal consciousness
  • Man is the measure of all things
Primacy of the Supernatural Consciousness
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • primacy of the supernatural consciousness
The Categories of Being
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • all action is action of entities
The Primacy of Existence as an Objectivist Innovation
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
Fallacy of Self-Exclusion
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • self-exclusivity
A Baby-in-a-Womb as an Entity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • entity
  • entities
Existence is Identity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • existence is identity
Fire as a non-Entity
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
God as Infinite
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
How Much Time Has There Been
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
Infinity as a Floating Abstraction
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • infinity
Metaphysically Given
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysically given
Miracles are a Metaphysical Impossibility
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • miracles are a metaphysical impossibility
  • miracle
  • miracles
The Characteristics of Entities
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • the characteristsics of entities
The Error of Mechanistic Causality
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • mechanistic causality
The Fundamental Axioms of Metaphysics
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • basic axioms
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle as a Refutation of Causality
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Metaphysically Given as Absolute
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • the necessary/contingent dichotomy
The Metaphysical Status of Sensory Qualities
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • The Mind-Object Qualia False-Dichotomy - the mind-object qualia false-dichotomy - qualia - quality
The Universe as Eternal
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
The Primacy of Consciousness as the Fundamental Error
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • the primacy of consciousness is the fundamental error
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • nominalism
The Psychological Effects of Regarding the Metaphysically Given as Mutable
  • metaphysics
  • psychology
The Determinist-Indeterminist False-Dichotomy
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • compatibilism
  • Compatibilism
The Conflation of Empiricism and Nominalism-Sensualism
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
A Physical Explanation for Consciousness or Free Will does not Negate Their Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • a physical explanation for consciousness does not negate its existence
Arguments from Defining God into Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • Ontological Arguments for God
Does Omnipotence Include The Ability to make Contradictions True
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Examples of Entities
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Miracle-Worker
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Pure Self-Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as Omnipotent
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as the Creator
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
God as the Designer
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Materialism as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Objectivism does not Hold that Consciousness is an Entity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Rejections of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • rejection of the basic axioms
Spiritual vs Material
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Error of Conflating the Potential with the Actual
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Law of Causality
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • The Law of Cause and Effect - the law of causality - cause - every entity has only one action available to it at any given time - causality
The Metaphysical Sense of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
The Mind-Body Conflict
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
Existence Exists
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • existence exists
  • existence axiom
  • existence
The Axiom of Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • man is conscious of reality
The Law of Identity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • axiom
  • the law of identity - A is A - identity - nature
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • definitions
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • definitions
  • omnipotence
  • omnipotent
  • supernatural
Consciousness as a non-Entity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Consciousness as Naturalistic
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Consciousness as Unscientific Because it Cannot be Defined
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Epistemology as Dependent Upon the Primacy of Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the pre-suppositions of epistemology
  • the requirements of epistemology
  • epistemology depends on the primacy of existence
Idealism as a Rejection of the Basic Axioms
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
Nominalism iff Sensualism
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • Nominalism-Sensualism
  • nominalism-sensualism
  • nominalism iff sensualism
The Materialist-Idealist False Dichotomy
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the materialist-idealist false dichotomy
The Meaning of Objectivity
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • objective - objectivity - objectively
The Metaphysical Status of Concepts
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the metaphysical status of concepts - what concepts refer to
The Primacy of Existence vs The Primacy of Consciousness
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • the primacy of consciousness - the primacy of existence
The Timaeus on the Imperfection of Reality
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • history-of-philosophy
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • ideos
  • idealism
  • idealists
A Physical Description of Entities does not Negate The Metaphysical Status of Sensory Qualities
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • physics
A Physical Description of Entities does not Negate Their Existence
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • physics
A Physical Description of Entities is the Realm of Physics, not Philosophy
  • philosophy
  • physics
File Tags Aliases
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • commensurability - commensurable - incommensurable
Concept-Formation as an Algebraic Process
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
The Differing Challenges of Explicating a Standard of Measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
The Requirements of a Standard of Measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • requirements of a unit - requirements of a standard of measurement
  • philosophy
  • epistemology
  • mathematics
  • definitions
  • measurement
  • measure
File Tags Aliases
Ad Ignoratiom Fallacy
  • logic
  • philosophy
  • ad-ignoratiom
The Laws of Logic
  • logic
  • philosophy
  • definitions
Fallacy of Begging the Question
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • begging-the-question
  • circular-reasoning
Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • affirming-consequent
Fallacy of the False Alternative
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • false-alternative
  • false-dilemma
Argumentative Soundness
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • sound
Argumentative Validity
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • valid
Fallacy of the Frozen Abstraction
  • philosophy
  • logic
  • epistemology
  • frozen-abstraction
File Tags Aliases
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • empiricism
  • empiricist
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • rationalism
  • epistemology
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • sensualism
  • metaphysics
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • ideos
  • nominalism
The Conflation of Empiricism and Nominalism-Sensualism
  • philosophy
  • history-of-philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
The Timaeus on the Imperfection of Reality
  • philosophy
  • metaphysics
  • history-of-philosophy
File Tags Aliases
File Tags Aliases